Tawnsey "T'sae"

Little Tawns ❤️

Primal - Famfrit


My name is Daiz and I am Tawnsey's creator!
I've been roleplaying for many years on different platforms, but have only been roleplaying for a few months as Tawns. Beyond that I am the mother of four fur babies and a lover of reading.
Here is what you can expect from me~!
-Dark/Mature Themes
-Lots of improv
-Lots of confusion
-A constant demand for headpats
Please note that I am only in character when my RP tag is on!If you have any questions, or want to hang out and rp, feel free to send me a tell in game!Hit me up if you use moon magic!


Warning: Mature/Dark Themes Ahead

Tawnsey is one of seven children born to Dominik Blume and Kier'se Jawantal, a young couple who originally lived in Gridania within Kier'se's family tribe. Kier'se tended to stay home with their three sons, while Dominik was a scholar and self-proclaimed aether expert. He wanted to test whether a physical being could be born with the ability to rapidly siphon an endless amount of aether from the ambient atmosphere. This would expand the magical abilities of a person, but unbeknownst to him with some very negative side effects. He began testing on his wife in secret, resulting in the birth of their first daughter, Tawnsey.
After Tawnsey's birth and the discovery of his success, Dominik moved the family to a small farm in Thanalan to hide from his ex-colleagues. He gave the family "proper names" as he referred to them, changing the families last name to Blumental.
💜💜💜Tawnsey, traditionally called T'sae by her mother, grew up under the constantly watchful eyes of her parents. She was glorified by her father for her ability to syphon aether and despised by her traditional mother and siblings who were since neglected by him.Growing up the Blumental kids were not allowed to go outside the gate of the family farm. The only person allowed to go out was Kieran, who would be sent to town to sell the goods the family produced on the farm. He did sneak Tawnsey out from time to time, where she became fascinated with the idea of magic.💜💜💜Trouble came around Tawnsey's twenty-first birthday when something terrible happened. Neighbors started noticing the Blumental farm was being neglected, and upon investigation, a horrific scene was discovered. Neither Kieran nor Tawnsey were anywhere to be found. The Blumental farm was left to rot, being used by squatters and other undesirable creatures.Tawnsey awoke after that horrific evening in a forest, knowing nothing of how she got there or who this strange carbuncle was that was tugging on her ears. She had a backpack, which she found was filled with her brother's belongings, and a letter describing how he was leaving. She made it her goal to find him, and she continues to do so to this very day.💜💜💜Being on her own was very strange for Tawnsey, but her natural curious allowed her to slowly adapt to everything she was seeing. She joined a family that she thought she could trust, though in the end this family left her.Once her new family was gone, she became a "delivery person" instead, traveling throughout La Noscea, The Shroud, and Thanalan. During this time, she would frequently visit her family at home, not realizing the danger she was being put into doing so.An incident that had her in a coma for months on end resulted in her leaving her previous life behind, and starting a new one in Gridania. She eventually moved to Empyreum, making new friends and furthering her talents as a red mage.She also found her way down the path of runic magic, learning under the great Alistair Cornelius the art of her craft. After his unfortunate death Tawnsey has continued her journal, especially through the use of his journals.💜💜💜Nowadays, Tawnsey is a student of different types of magic with Frank, her special carbuncle by her side. She is running a forbidden library within the protection of Arsenic and Old Lace, as well as running a few other side businesses to make more gil. She's found her family and she's excited to continue life with them.


Physical Features

❤️Height: 5 Fulms, 3 ilms. (5'3")❤️ Age: 24❤️Sexuality: Poly❤️Hair: A deep, rich red that tends to fall just below her shoulders.❤️Eye: A dark hunter green that sometimes, in the right lighting, looks black.❤️Build: Though she has been thin most of her life, training under Fruktan has given her some muscle to go along with her nice curves.❤️Other Notable Features:
+ She has a few scars up and down her body, the biggest being one that goes along her neck. This she hides with large necklaces or collars. She also has a butterfly scar on her left arm.
+ She has clan marks along her chubby cheeks, as well as a small black mark on her forehead.
+ She is covered in runic tattoos, many protection runes and limitation runes that go along her entire body.
+She has a tattoo of a maanza rune on her left palm
❤️ Typical Attire
+Physical clothes depend on the situation, ranging from long sweaters to tank tops.
+An emerald collar, made by her boyfriend I'saac.
+She carries two weapons. One is a red rapier, covered in runes and aetherically hidden at her side. Her other is her grimoire, a book filled with their entire life.
❤️ Housing
+Apartment: Zalera, Mist, Ward 18, Apartment #23
+Library: Zal, Mist, Ward 18, Plot 7, Room 12.


❤️Tawnsey is sweet and has a really big heart. She loves to help other people, even willing to take the clothes off of her own back in order to help another person in need. This often lands herself in trouble for the lengths she would go for a person.❤️She is a really supportive individual, often as a result of wanting to avoid conflict.❤️Tawnsey is a very good listener, always looking attentive and very interested even when the topic is boring to her. Especially if it is something another person is passionate about.❤️Physical touch is her love language, she loves giving and receiving hugs from people. She can restrain herself from randomly hugging people, but once she knows a person is comfy with her she will hug away.❤️Tawnsey's bark is worse than her bite. She can flirt up a storm, but when it comes to anything after she becomes rather quiet and rather shy.❤️She is an extremely loyal individual, especially toward those who she consider friends or family.


❤️ Tawnsey is currently studying rune magic using the journals of her deceased mentor Alistair Cornelius. She is attempting to master these talents, but has a deep interest in aetherology and other type of magics as well.❤️ She is currently a red mage, outside of her runic magic. Her start as a summoner though has blessed her with a carbuncle named Franklin (or Frank for short), a special carbuncle who she is yet to fully understand.❤️ Foodwise Tawnsey very much enjoys sweets, fish related dishes, most teas and chocolate milk. She isn't too fond of spicy things, but isn't hesitant to try new things.❤️ She enjoys the arts, especially considering she is a rather proficient friend-taught bard. While she cannot draw herself, she always appreciates art made by others. She also loves to read and can often be found visiting different libraries and bookstores.❤️ Anywhere her friends go, Tawnsey is sure to follow! She doesn't mind going anywhere from a cafe, to a rowdy club to dance, to bingo night at her favorite tea house.❤️ She has a deep appreciation and love for flowers, especially roses. A lot of the time, you can often find her with a bundle of them tucked behind one of her ears.❤️ Tawnsey has discovered a love for cooking and baking, she's especially good at making cookies!


Aether Manipulation:Due to her ability to constantly siphon aether from the natural world, Tawnsey has a higher and continually filling aether pool. Though her runes tend to fix the issue of overflow, she often uses different methods of magic and fighting to help relieve some of her aetherial stress. One way, a way she very much does not prefer, is fighting using her aether. Some of her ways to manipulate aether includes:
💙Aether related attacks, including aether explosions, releasing aetheric waves and crystalizing her aether into crystalized spikes to impale.
💙Aether solidification, allowing her to create brief aetheric shields around herself and her companions.
💙Not only can Tawnsey siphon aether from the natural world, but she can physically siphon from others as well. She can also to the reverse and force aether into a person, but she needs to bite the person to do so.
💙 If Tawnsey is physically hit by anything aetherically charged attacks, an explosion is likely to occur.
Note: Tawnsey's aether comes out as pure condensed aether, rather than any other form.
Note: Tawnsey may learn more along the way, but these are basic abilities she knows how to use.
❤️❤️❤️Runic Magic:
Runic magic is a form of magic that involves the drawing of runes and using aether to charge those runes into doing different tasks. These runes can be used for anything from attacks to everyday quality-of-life abilities. They are strategically placed by her not only on her own body, but on her clothing and sword, paper and stone as well. She is not only learning the basics from her mentor Alistair, but she is also designing her own.
A couple of her runic designs include:
💙Noise suppression: A set of four runes that, when the Northern and Southern poles are activated, prevents people from hearing anything from within a certain space.
💙Aetherial Cloak: A rune that allows a person, place, or thing to be shrouded in aether, allowing them to disappear. Their aetheric signature would still be visible and they are still physically there, but by the naked eye, you could not see them.

Consent List

In-Character Consent PreferencesIC Romance: YesIC Intimacy: YesIC Injuries: YesIC Death: NoDiscord RP: YesThemes and ScenariosAction and Conflict:Fighting: YesCombat (graphic violence): Maybe (Discuss first)War: Maybe (Discuss first)Crime (heists, smuggling): YesDark and Mature Themes:Drug Use: YesKidnapping: YesTorture: YesMind Breaking: Maybe (Discuss first)Non-consensual Situations (SA/Noncon): Maybe (Discuss first)Blood and Gore: YesBody Breaking: Maybe (Discuss first)Emotional and Psychological Themes:Angst (emotional turmoil): YesTrauma (past experiences): YesPsychological Manipulation: Yes


Arsenic and Old Lace

Tawnsey's home family. Her responsibilities vary, but she's known for her dedication and her baking!

Astral Heart Maid Cafe

Tawnsey's part time job, where she works as the Cookie Maid. There she is very fun loving and often very flirty~

The Jellyfish Tavern

While Tawnsey isn't fully employed by the Jellyfish tavern, she is often seen working as either a bar tender or a waitress.


A gambling bar and stage owned by Tawnsey's mate I'saac Tia. She often helps there when she can.

The Drunken Harlot

Tawnsey's second home, she works there as a bartender and is always willing to listen.


I'saac Tia:
Tawnsey's Mate, a lovable miqo'te who she calls her sunshine.

Archon Orianna Vossan:
Tawnsey's Mate, an intelligent au'ra who she calls her moonbeam.

Fan Art

Enjoy this never ending collection of fan art made of Tawnsey!

Fan Art Above done by Helios Normal-Cat <3

Fan art above done by Amias Lansong!

Fan Art Above Drawn by Ezra Ura

Roleplay Hooks

Overwhelming Aether:
Tawnsey seems to be filled to the brim with constantly flowing aether. So much so, that the bracelet on her right hand is constantly siphoning aether from her.
Strange Carbuncle:
Tawnsey's carbuncle Frank is a strange one. Not only does he seem to have a mind of his own, but some have swore they have heard him /whispering/ to his mistress. He likes fish pasteries.
Making Biscuits:
Tawnsey is a wonderful baker who loves making sweets and other breads. Because of this, she always smells like baked goods.
Magically Enclined:
Tawnsey is fluent in many different type of magicks, including aetherology and rune magic. She is also willing to learn a lot more.
Tawnsey has an absolute love for books. She is normally found with her nose in a book.
Tawnsey's body is carved with many different types of runes, each for a different purpose. She even has them on her tongue!
If you have any other ideas for hooks, please feel free to send me a tell